Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My life is a very busy adventure. Joel and I have been married now for 4.33 years, and only know each other for 5 years... in that time, we have had 2 kids, adopted 1 kid, moved from 3 apartments, lived with his grandma, and bought a house. Every other year, he has worked and I have been a stay-at-home mom... then the other years, he goes to school and I work. This is my year.
My day job
While Joel and I were dating, and struggling to "stay out of trouble" if you know what I mean, we started visiting the homeless people that live under Pierce Elevated (the freeway) in downtown Houston. They were so fascinating, and appreciated what ever food or blankets we could scrounge up to bring with us. And I started wanting to know what resources existed to help them. So I applied to volunteer with the Star of Hope, who has 3 homeless shelters here. But on the interview to volunteer, they recruited me for a job.
I worked at the Star of Hope the whole time I was pregnant with Arabella (2000-2001). And I loved it. I felt like me skills in organizing and planning could really help direct people. When I quit to take care of Arabella, I was sad to leave.
So for 3 years, I tried to figure out how to come back. When I worked in 2002, I needed more flexiblity than SOH could offer, so I worked for ECI. But this year, when it came time to go back to work full-time, I was ready. I returned to the Star of Hope Women & Family Shelter in January 2005. Alot has changed since my last stint here... It has become very "business" like, specializing more in having a process than actually connecting with the homeless people. Honestly, I have trouble being here now. I am praying God will give me the direction on how I can make the new setup here feel meaningful. It doesn't feel helpful.
But the schedule rocks
The best part of SOH is the schedule. I get off at 3:30, 2.5 miles from home, so I am home by 3:40 tops. From then on, I am 100% mom.
The real job
Like the triage nurse in the ER, I walk in and start planning which munchkin needs the most immediate care... Arabella's fussing - get her a snack; Darin's sleeping - throw his bigs and clothes in the washer; Holden's bouncing off the walls - take him outside to swing. This is the work I truly love. I am exhausted and completely fulfilled.
Having babies, the pregnancy part, was hard for me. But caring for babies, daily, constantly, is not hard. I love it!
On being a wife
The job that I focus on the least, but wish I could focus on more, is being a wife. Joel is a great husband. He actually goes to school and takes care of the baby, carpools the kids to and from school, and is preparing to pastor a church. He does alot. And my usual response to him is to ask for more - more help, more time, more of him. I am a pain in his butt. But I don't want to be... I wish we could just hang out more. That is how our love started - just spending 8-9 hours talking in a diner. We are definitely best friends.


Anonymous said...

awe good post! seriously if there is ever a way Bill and I can help allow for ya'll to have more time as a couple let us know. We'll come watch the kids so you can go somewhere and just be together. Never hesitated!

Joel Burdeaux said...

yeah, you are a pain in my butt, but that's cool. that's better than being disconnected or boring - 2 things I could never accuse you of...

Happy Birthday

I love you