Monday, April 27, 2009

CVS & prescriptions

When Joel had his heart attack (12/30/08), he got put on 5
prescriptions immediately - $90 in copays.
Thankfully, I has spent my Christmas vacation learning about The
Grocery Game & reading

By finding 'Transfer your Rx' coupons, I have spent only $10/month out
of pocket...

Here's how it worked yesterday:

Joel had 3 prescriptions Auto-refill @ CVS.
I prefer to keep my Rx's @ CVS, and so do they... So I don't transfer
them! I just use the coupon I would if I had transferred to Walgreens
without the hassle!

1st Rx$10 copay - $10 cash... Get $25 Giftcard with coupon from
Walgreens ad
2nd Rx$10 copay - $10 off GC... Get $25 GC= Balance $40
3rd Rx$30 copay - $30 off GC... Get $25 = Balance $35

If I was smart, I would save this GC for next Rx refills... Then I
wouldn't have the $10 out-of-pocket.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

CVS Deal of the Day

Starting CVS Balance: $1.99 ECBs

Sincor $30
Paid $30 cash
Rec'd $15 GC
Net: -$15

(8) HoneyNut Cheerios $2.50 - coupon $1/3 = $19
Nature's Valley $3 - coupon $0.50 = $2.50
(2) Gummi Lifesavers - coupon $1.50 = $1.50
Milk $2.79 = $2.79 + $2 ECBs
(4) CVS Sinus meds (2)$5.29 + (2)$5.49 - (2)$2.50 off 12 = $16.56
CVS $10 off $50
Paid: $1.99 ECB + $15 GC + $14.36 cash
Rec'd: $2 ECB

Started with $1.99 ECB = $1.99
Ended with $2 ECB = $2.00
Product value: $84.64... For $44.36 cash - not bad considering I needed the prescription & sinus meds either way!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Easter, Holy week, and the church calendar

I've had mixed feelings about Lent and Holy week this year. It has
felt arbitrary and contrived.... so I have pretty much left it

Only yesterday did I start to contemplate this freedom... Is the
church calendar an order set up by the Father?