Friday, September 30, 2005


It is amazing how God's timing works out. One day before Darin got sick again, Joel decided to withdrawal from school. It all works together just right.
I have been feeling alot of peace over the past few days. So many factors outside my control... all requiring full faith. My only choice.

So, I came to work today, while Joel is with Darin at Texas Children's Hospital. The director inquired about Darin, and recommended unpaid leave (FMLA). I told him it would be better if I could come in at least part of the week, so I could still have an income. He said, "I am not worried about the hours. Just come in as much as you can." The good thing about salary is that once I clock in, I get paid for the full day. So, I have permission now to work the amount that is best for our family. THANK YOU, GOD!

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